...hello to wasted hours, bottoms up to better days...

Sunday, October 30, 2005

FEAR FEST- a lot like canada's wonderland... only darker

So last night i went to FEAR Fest at canada's wonderland. imagine trying to find your way around that place during a normal day... now take away all lights. now add teenage girls. now add cellphones and screaming cause the boys all "spook" them. Is it just me or are teenagers WAY more annoying when you're older. Esspecially the groups of girls all in devil horns.... or dressed like angels but you know... black angels ... cause they didn't want to be just another devil. Also this halloween my parents are giving away full sized candy bars. I think this is an attempt to get some kids coming to the door this year... cause last year we had a grand total of like 12. They want to become the 'full sized chocolate bar" house.. you know.. the one you and your friends woudl walk like 10 extra blocks to go to... but sadly i dont' think its going to be effective. the last house with kids moved off my street a few months ago.

On a side note, i recently picked up a job playing guitar in the "Marquee Theatre Company" production of Fiddler on the Roof. apparently when i thought i knew how to play guitar i was wrong. Did you know there was such a thing as 6th chords? then not jsut regular major chords but other ones where they put MAJ beside it to make it extra major... i guess khaki snacks 3 chord repitoire has sort of ruined me... but worst case scenario i'm sure i can fall back on GCD somehow...

also in the future khaki snack will be way more kletzmer.... and have lyrics like "buda budda buda buda buda booo"... and sing about how god didn't make us rich... and he probably did that for a reason... but god... would it really screw things up to make me a wealthy man???


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