...hello to wasted hours, bottoms up to better days...

Friday, October 14, 2005

This Week in Khaki Snack

Here's what we've been up recently:
-Left school early to go down south for NASCAR
-Changed MSN name from simply 'Provan' to a haiku
-Finally used his favourite haiku
13 dollar beer/Exhaust fumes fill my lungs/NASCAR forever

-Taught ESL
-Used his girlfriend's cell phone to call me long distance
-Explained to his students the pun in "Win, Lose, or Draw"
-Left me a phone message about his vision for a song about John Grisham novels

- Went to my ex-girlfriend's father's wedding, danced with ex-girlfriend's aunt to Bed of Roses
- Learned that I love weddings. Especially open bar weddings.
- Set up Pizza Pizza ordering account for my office
- Set up personal Pizza Pizza ordering account
- Submitted 5 potential photos for my office tracking profile
- Had all 5 photos immediately rejected

We're going to the Madison tonight. See you there!


Blogger Kelly said...

I'll definitely try to make it to your show at Clark. (no guarantees, though)

7:55 AM

Blogger db said...

radical. hopefully we'll make it too.

jim. good job.

dave and i started to put together the cd today. i'm never not buying cd's from "A Computer Warehouse" again

8:19 PM

Blogger db said...

was it everything you imagined and more? do you still have the gong?

8:17 PM

Blogger db said...


11:44 PM


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