...hello to wasted hours, bottoms up to better days...

Monday, December 19, 2005

Even regular Bruce Springsteen songs sound like Christmas songs

I think it's because of the bells and horns.

On a related note, it's Christmas time! Christmas is the season that has produced more khaki snack songs than any other. From our first song to have words, "Chris got a Blender for Christmas" to the equally infamous "Chris got a Blender for Christmas part 2: Derek got his ass dumped for Christmas" (later renamed Barnone: Worst Christmas Ever(later renamed Barnone)). The third song in our Christmas trilogy is, of course, the following year's "It's Boxing Week and Everything Must Go!(that includes you)" Despite not really remembering how that one goes, it still counts in my eyes. Here are some potential songs that could arise this year:

-Chris went on a date in Muskoka just before Christmas and it was ok, but got slightly weird when he ran into some high school friends he hadn't seen in a bit
-Derek got Mono for Christmas (and allowed people to call it the kissing disease despite getting it from a half-empty glass of Coke he drank from an empty table at the office Christmas party when nobody was looking)
-It's boxing week and everything must go (including Dave to talk to someone at customs about entering Costa Rica with a one way ticket)
-Chris Kicked Jesus in the face on Christmas (his dog's name is jesus. wait, I guess that's still bad)
-Derek got a skirt for Christmas (because his co-workers saw him use the women's bathroom)

That's all I've got for right now. If you have any suggestions please post them in the comments. In the meantime, stay informed about Dave's Collateral Damage-esque ploy to enter into another country here: Dave and the Art of Motorcycle Repair


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