...hello to wasted hours, bottoms up to better days...

Friday, May 26, 2006

Believe it or not, we're still a band (sort of)

Sure, we haven't played a show since November. And sure, that means I basically haven't played guitar since November. And sure, Dave has been out of the country since January. And yes, he'll likely return a changed person who wants to "make a difference" and "settle down". But all that aside, we're going to start playing some shows again late in the summer, around Toronto.

In the meantime, everyone should check out the new radical dudez song. Sure, they're in a west 49 commercial, and on the west 49 website, but this new song sounds more like it would suit ...oh, I don't know... maybe a Bay commercial. Also, should they catapult to Bay commercial success and beyond, be sure to remind Adam Bell about the time he said we could ride their coat tails all the way to moderate, Canadian-level, quasi-stardom.

I'll leave you with a picture from a show we played in Kingston last October. Months later that hat would prove to be so gross that total strangers requested I take it off.

(From left to right) Dave, and Derek (not pictured: Provan, countless dissapointed people saying "This is all it is?")


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not going to play in Kingston? I got stuck in Kingston all summer! Where are you playing in toronto?

6:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's one good pic.... = P

10:32 PM

Blogger db said...

I'll post the shows in a bit, but it'll be downtown in late July & August. How's Queen's? I haven't read about you guys in the national media for weeks!

And yes, a nice photograph. That was mind bogglingly difficult to download. Actually I used Mircrosoft Word & Paint, so it was far from difficult.

1:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

was it off my flickr site?

also, did i ever give you the pics from the "warmup to sci formal" show? they weren't the greatest, so you're not missing much, but i could always send some your way. i'm a bit behind in my picture giving.

5:56 PM


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